Wednesday, 26 October 2011

CanTeen quilt update

Ok well a while ago I posted about my bandanas arriving... A few things have happened since then, I have worked out that I have three colour groups that I like...
 The pinks and purples

The blues whites and yellows

 and the one I started with the black red and hints of yellow and blue

Then I added some bold solids - I have to add that with this colour palette I was thinking of guys, cos everyone needs to use a quilt :)
 and selected a backing... (bottom right)

Then I took some time to play with patterns...  the trick was to pay the quilt out in a way to work with the featured bandanas both visually and size wise.
The one I chose for these colours was the pattern with large square in a square blocks (or log cabin variation) alternating with the bandanas. 

The beggining
The first blocks...
A stack of blocks trimmed to size...
A stack of bandana quarters trimmed to size, some I had to unpick the hem because I wanted to feature the text around the outside...

The quilt top all laid out ready to sew together, I just need the dedication block for the missing space (thanks Vicki for the idea )

Its definitely busy, and believe me those pieced blocks do weird things out of the corners of your eyes lol! However its not for me, and I think it works alright together... please give me your thoughts x

1 comment:

  1. Wow it looks wonderful.I think haveing the plain colours alternating with the bandanas stops it being so busy. Very modern.


Hi! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it... I'm still trying to get in the habit of blogging regularly, so please be patient if it takes a me little time to visit you back :)but I will get there lol